
OMG, I can honestly say without a doubt that Alias is my favourite TV show EVER!!! Sorry General Hospital, you've been de-throned LOL. Alias was pretty interesting in Season 1, but when Lena joined in Season 2 it made the show all the more exciting and from there I was absolutely hooked. Now I make a point never to miss an episode, heck even a second, because you never know what will happen!!! I love this show because it has everything: drama, action, suspense, mystery, intrigue, romance, and even a little bit of comedy. And how about the great costumes!!!! ;) Irina is hands down my favourite character and Jack and Irina are truly a match to watch!!! I can never wait to see what that devious Derevko will do next! My rating:

Yes, that's right, 15. Hehehe.

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